Random Revelations - I
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Chances are that if the first part of the movie is X-Men, the last part will also be X-Men.
- Meci
This post is not available on Oh God! Where Art Thou!
Chances are that if the first part of the movie is X-Men, the last part will also be X-Men.
- Meci
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Just to give you an idea on the genisis of the statement:
I was spending a night at my friends place and happend to chance upon the movie X-Men on one of those channels. Being the movie it is, soon we moved on to someting that could amuse us. About an hour later, while channle surfing, we came back to the same channel and I Exclaimed, "Fantastic 4!". That is when Meci came up with the revelation, "Chances are that if the first part of the movie is X-Men, the last part will also be X-Men." :P